Help Me With Pimples.


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Apr 27, 2014

Emily L.

Cut soy out of your diet.

Apr 24, 2014

Maan K.

If your acne refuses to go after using benzoyl peroxide then you should go to a doc to get checked because sometimes the problem is internal 😐I tried everything I could even went to dermats but then I came to know that I had an infection in my intestines so basicaly my acne didnt clear for a year cause the problem was in the inside so I suggest you to go to a doc 😇 hope I helped.

Apr 23, 2014

Caitlin M.

I also agree with Megan and Ame. Just see a professional. Don't fool around with home treatments and DIY things. Just because they work for some doesn't mean they can't be dangerous and make the problem worse. A lot of what I see suggested are as the others have mentioned, irritants. Please do not assume that because these ingredients are "natural" and found in your kitchen or pantry that they are 100% safe and will work. Acne is very complex and again as others have said, caused by many different things and the reason it's happening in the first place will help determine what treatments are best to get rid of it.

Apr 23, 2014

Nanou C.

Rose water + Sodium Bicarbonate

Apr 23, 2014

Jada M.

Remember to change your pillow sheet! I did this n my pimples went away.

Apr 23, 2014

Hannah Rose M.

Go to Whole Foods. I know what you are thinking, it's a food place, but they have the best natural stuff. I personally like derma-e, but anything really works!

Apr 23, 2014

Nanou C.

Use revitol for scars it's perfect

Apr 23, 2014

Nanou C.

Hey, I use Papulex gel moussant Acne prone skin and Zeniac Lp Fort des laboratories LED

Apr 23, 2014

Claire R.

I read if you put honey on a bandaid and sleep with it the pimple will be gone by morning with no scar

Apr 23, 2014

Ness N.

For your nose use biore strips also try to use clean and clear or biore products they're amazing.

Apr 23, 2014

Ame S.

Agree with Megan, you MUST see a doctor for your acne cuz there's different causes of acne, no standard treatment fits all. You need customised skincare suggestions for your skin and acne type. Also, do not use turmeric, cinnamon etc., on your skin cuz they're skin irritants.

Apr 23, 2014

Raylene I.

I went through this for months. It was to the point where I was crying infront of my husband because of how bad my skin was. He asked me what I was doing about it so I told him about the washes and all that acne crap. His reply, "just use water to wash your face" I just looked at him dumbfounded, like yea right. But no word of a lie within two weeks of stoping all my cleaning stuff and just using a baby wipe to get off my foundation then rinsing my face with lukewarm water, my skin cleared up! I think my problem was all through high school it just used water to wash my face no fancy products because I had flawless skin 97% of the time. But after my third pregnancy I got BAD hormonal acne that my dr treated with a cream. But then I got super stressed and it just got worse and worse so I upped my face washing and tried several different washes in the span of two years and acne lotions and spot treatments and DIY stuff, but it kept getting worse and worse. And here my husband solved all my problems by telling me to stop everything and just use water... Anyway now that I'm done telling my life story, maybe give that a try?

Apr 23, 2014

Aleirbag G.

Helo I can help you use deripil a really good cream or new dove beauty balm and clan your face with cold water and don't wipe it put not grassy mouisturizer and do not touch it

Apr 23, 2014

Ciindrellaa S.

turmeric.. -

Apr 23, 2014

Sapphire K.

Look up bubzbeauty, she has good tips for that

Apr 23, 2014

Melina B.

I have been continuously getting pimples every morning you wake up..Now scars are spoiling my face..please recommend me some home remedies for pimples and scars removing.