Bruise on face?? (From pushing too hard on a pimple)


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Apr 23, 2014

Tina K.

You might want to ask Traci L, our resident esthetician, for some advice. I'd be careful with over icing (especially directly on the skin) as you don't want to do more damage. Depending on what stage of healing and the color the bruise is, would affect the color corrector you would use. Remember to go opposite on the color wheel!

Apr 22, 2014

Elizabeth S.

Cover it with green or yellow concealer.

Apr 22, 2014

Brooke L.

Ice it down, alovera, makeup.

Apr 22, 2014

V K.

Solution: Arnica. Go to a health store like Sprouts or Whole Food and pick up a little patch. Wear it overnight, repeat if necessary, and it should do the trick!

Apr 22, 2014

Denali E.

Yeah ice usualy works for me (though I've never had a bruise on my face) and you can always use cover up for what's still there by the time you need it gone.

Apr 22, 2014

Bekah S.

I would put a little ice on it. Bruising comes from busted blood vessels so I don't think there's much you can do besides leaving it alone. If it's a small bruise it should be faded by Saturday if left alone.

Apr 22, 2014

Bridgette D.

So I noticed a pimple on my face a few days ago and waited until it was time to pop it (not just to pick at it) so yesterday I went to pop it but it wouldn't pop so stupidly I pushed harder. The pimples gone but there's a small scab where the head was (a little Neosporin will get rid of that) but unfortunately there's a bruise around the pimple. I have a modeling thing on Saturday so I need it to be gone by then! Please help.