Best way to control curly hair.


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Jul 22, 2014

C P.

Use mousse and deffinatley gel when you get out of the shower.

Jul 22, 2014

Adaria S.

You could apply an oil in your damp hair before bed and than plop or plunk your hair while your sleeping. There are a lot of tutorials on plopping curly hair on youtube. It has really helped my frizz and defined my curls.

You could try a double French braid after your shower when your hair is *damp* (not wet) or the headband curl method! It's personally my favourite but I'm very bad at explaining it so I'm sure YouTube could help :)

Also, a good smoothing serum is wonderful to tame fly always and frizzy curls, or a mousse

Jul 22, 2014

Lex P.

I have extremely curly, frizzy hair therefore I straighten it everyday. That is very bad for my hair so I need a no heat method to control my curls and make them looser and softer.