Dry eyelid home remedies!!


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Jul 22, 2014

Yasmine G.

If this lasts longer than a week or so, go to the dermatologist!
I had this before and the dry patches got bigger and in my case, it was from an allergic reaction to something. Be careful and good luck.

Jul 22, 2014

Rachel B.

I had the same problem, coconut oil is great, as well as this kiehl's cream (http://www.kiehls.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-kiehls_us-Site/default/mProduct-Show?pid=622&start=1&cgid=face-moisturizers) it's a bit pricey but it lasts a loooooong time and works perfectly.

That is an extremely sensitive area on your face and I would not trust just any home remedy. You could try soaking a green tea bag or some cucumbers and putting them against your eye to re hydrate and return minerals to your eyelids. There are also many eye creams out there that could help, perhaps one infused with citrus and vitamin c!
Also, be sure you're keeping your skin hydrated and moisturized because your skin is like a sponge and will move any nutrients it needs into the under her area

Jul 22, 2014

Lex P.

I have really bad dry patches on my eyelids which makes my makeup settle awfully. Please help me by suggesting helpful home remedies.