Does anyone know what this is??


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Jul 24, 2014

Olivia A.

...someone else had that problem and everyone thought it was mould

Jul 23, 2014

Lindsay H.

Well since it was probably moldy I decided to cut it open and see if it was moldy on the inside turns out it was just on the outside layer but since I can't get my hands on one until I go home in a couple if weeks I just kept the tip of it because that didn't have any mold but I threw out the rest

I have to say ripping it apart was pretty fun

Jul 23, 2014

Elena F.

If it's mold you can microwave it to kill the bacteria

Jul 23, 2014

Maressa H.

Yeah it's probably mold sadly.

Jul 23, 2014

Rissa G.

Definitely looks like mold. If you don't let it FULLY dry before storing it, that's what can cause it.

Jul 23, 2014

Shawna L.

I know so gross! But I've had that happen with my beauty blender before and I got so grossed out I don't use sponges like that for my makeup now. It will be fine to replace it and get a new one.

Jul 23, 2014

Lindsay H.

I'm officially grossed out

Jul 23, 2014

Lindsay H.

I didn't even think of it being mold

Jul 23, 2014

Lindsay H.

Ewww nasty :( that sucks I will defiantly throw it away and get a new one

Jul 23, 2014

Shawna L.

It could be mold! Even though that you wasg it often it can grow mold in side of it because sponges are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. They are always moist dark inside and warm and even though you wash it it may never get all the way dry especially when using liquid fase products with it

Jul 23, 2014

Lindsay H.

I don't really fill in my brows because there naturally thicker
but I normally do concealer ( which I use my sponge for) and then. Powder , bronzer, eyeshadow , eyeliner (sometimes) and then mascara

But I only use the sponge for concealer then after that it isn't used for anything Else

Jul 23, 2014

Katherine L.

Eyebrows maybe? In what order do you apply makeup?

Jul 23, 2014

Lindsay H.

The other side

Jul 23, 2014

Lindsay H.

My makeup sponge has these grey black splotches on it and I have no clue what it is
I wash is often and It isn't mascara or eyeshadow because all of mine are in closed packages and have never come in contact
And it doesn't have a smell

Does any one know and has it happened to anyone??

Also wasn't really sure what category this went into so I put it in makeup since it is a makeup sponge