Fading black hair!


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Jul 24, 2014

Kendra H.

Yay! You should never feel bad about complaining! You paid for a service and they didn't do what you paid them to do and it did not tune out correct. Please do let us know if you got anywhere with them! :)

Jul 23, 2014

Bethany w.

Thanks girls I have finally complained I will let you all know on my outcome you have helped loads I used your feed back as like an arguement kind of thing e.g patchy, brassy.

Jul 23, 2014

Kendra H.

I'm going to give you the same advice I did on your last post:

1. Go back to the salon where you got it done and request for your money back.

2. Then I would go find another salon who will fix the issue or you can dye your whole head one color (like dye the light brown to match the dark color that the salon dyed it)

Hopefully you figure this out! Hair disasters are the worst!

Jul 23, 2014

Ashley C.

Yes ^

Jul 23, 2014

Symone B.

Honestly... I would just dye the whole thing dark. The bleach job is just awful. That's coming from someone who grew up in a salon (my mom is a hair dresser). It's patchy, brassy, and just not well done at all. Bayalage just means "sweeping color" in French. It's a technique, that they obviously didn't do right. I would not return to that salon if I was you. I would go to Sally's and get a dark brown demi permanent color from Clairol or ion and 10 vol developer (10 vol just deposits color, it doesn't damage or lift) then do your whole head one color

Jul 23, 2014

Bethany w.

Yeh I know its patchy lol no offence taken haha it was meant to be balyage I paid them £38 I would complain but I don't know I just scared to , thing is I can't even afford to go to a professional again now I have wasted all my money on this.

Jul 23, 2014

Rissa G.

I don't see how they can just dye your hair nearly black if you asked for light brown. Idk how people like that are still in business tbh lol.

Jul 23, 2014

Manal M.

^Yes I would complain and find a salon who could fix it. Would be expensive but they're professional and would be able to handle this.

Jul 23, 2014

Rissa G.

What is the blonde supposed to be? Like an ombré or Balayage of some sort? It looks a bit patchy...(no offense) did you pay them? I would honestly go back and complain if you didn't get what you asked for.

Jul 23, 2014

Manal M.

You can use the bleach to tone down the black so at least its brown like the transition from black to blonde.

Jul 23, 2014

Bethany w.

The blonde is bleach I don't mind that its just the black/brown.

Jul 23, 2014

Bethany w.

I put a post on here not long ago but the thing is I got my hair dyed at a hairdressers yesterday. They were meant to dye it light brown but it went like black!! And I hate it soo much I have tried the barcobonate of soda thing that didn't work and I washed it so many times but nothing has worked so what can help me please its urgent its getting me down sooo much :((((
Here's a pic :(