Sunburn relief help


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Jul 22, 2014

Anita E.

This happened to me..You NEED to Drink plenty of water it's very important...use aloe Vera but put in the fridge to keep it cold...have cold showers...when your drying yourself only pat yourself dry...wet a hand towel in cold water an put it on your neck it will sooth it...Hope this helps

Jul 22, 2014

Gabby M.

Try to take a bath with oatmeal, aveeno has oatmeal made specifically for baths. And apply the aloe a lot!! Once or twice a day probably won't cut it, try once every 2 hours or more often if you can :)

Jul 22, 2014

Aaryn P.

I got a sunburn on my shoulder and neck and it's very red and so dry when I move it hurts. I have been putting aloe and lotions and coconut oil on it to soothe it but it doesn't seem like any of it is working.