100 % Over my Oily Skin.


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Jul 23, 2014

Lex P.

I would definitely try the garnier bb cream and always remember to wash your face everyday!

Jul 21, 2014

Breeze T.

To mattify my skin I use plain cornstarch - the main ingredient of most mattifying powders. It's just an esthetic fix, though.

Jul 21, 2014

Cecilia G.

I would suggest a good tomer, a gel based moisturizer and benefits better than bb cream. its a liquid to powder formula... works like a charm by keeping me matte all day.

Jul 21, 2014

Amanda V.

Sandy, It really is trial and error. :/ I've thought about the estee lauder foundation so I might try that. Thanks for sharing your routine. :)

Manal, I drink a ton of water but I know I could increase my intake. I might try the cleanser as well!

Gabby, double wear will probably be my next foundation to try!

Thank you Katie I'll ask my Dermatologist about that cream!

Isabel I've used milk of magnesia and it worked but I quit using it because I worry about it breaking me out. Sometimes it made my skin really tight and dry.

Karly, I use Cetaphil moisturizer!

Abha, this summer has been really hot and humid where I live so that doesn't help!

Lani I appreciate the suggestion but I don't know if I'd want to put that on my face.

Meghan I've been told they were good foundations! I use blotting sheets constantly. I just wish I could cut back on how often I blot.

Thank you girls for all of your suggestions. :)

Jul 21, 2014

Meghan B.

Bobbi Brown's oil free foundations were my favourites. Have you tried using blotting sheets?

Jul 21, 2014

Alannah B.

Ok this sounds weird but and you have to be careful if your skin is very sensitive, mine is and I am ok but you should try baby powder it works amazing.

Jul 21, 2014

Abha A.

I can't use anything in my face during day time except lipstick.

Jul 21, 2014

Abha A.

I can understand your problem..I too face the same problem..my place is too hot and moreovr itz too humid..so the skin will be sticky all the time.

Jul 21, 2014

K R.

I had same problem. You could try cetaphil moisturizer that has the purple cap it works super good and there's a face wash that goes w it. They both helped A LOT.

Jul 21, 2014

Isabel J.

Have you ever tried using milk of magnesia as a base for your foundation? You can find it at any drugstore. I have oily skin and it keeps me so matte! Just put it on your skin and wait for it to dry, (it will make your face really white and chalky) then cover it with foundation! It works for me.

Jul 21, 2014

Katie F.

I've been using this cream that's sort of a primer called OC8. It is a mattifying cream my dermatologist told me about, and you can find it on amazon. I would also recommend using a powder foundation because it has helped with my oiliness as well. I hope this helped and I hope you find something that will work! 😊

Jul 21, 2014

Gabby R.

Estée Lauder

Jul 21, 2014

Gabby R.

Estée double wear and their matte primer works for me I don't touch up throughout the day with it

Jul 21, 2014

Manal M.

Most of the time, oily skin correlates with what foods you consume and if there's oils and fats. Start with drinking water whenever possible to cleanse your body of these fats. Once you've cleansed your body, wash your face in the morning, in the afternoon and at night. Don't use a mild wash if it's gentle it most likely won't do much. Try pore cleaning washes like the Clean & Clear deep action cream cleanser. It cleans deep down into the pores and it's an oil free formula. Keep it on your face for like five minutes and wash off. Try to use a minimal amount of moisturizer and if possible, half a pea-sized amount for only a very thin layer onto your skin. You can follow this routine and try to wear no makeup so you let your skin breathe and clear of any chemicals.

Jul 20, 2014

Amanda V.

Alright I'm sooo done with my oily skin. I truly feel I've tried EVERYTHING.
I moisturize, use mattifying primers and foundations & of course set it with matte powder, but no matter what I'm still oily.

Foundations I've tried:

Clinique Stay Matte
Tarte Amazonian Clay 12 Hour
Nars Sheer Matte (current foundation)
Neutrogena Shine Control
Revlon Colostay for oily/combo

Clinique Stay Matte
Rimmel Stay Matte
Neutrogena Shine Control


Neutrogena Oil Control
Smashbox Photo Finish Light
Smashbox Blemish.. I forget the rest!
Benefit Porefessional
Cover FX
Becca Ever Matte Primer (I liked this the best, but still oily)

There's probably waaay more than those but that's all I can think of right now. Some of them were BETTER but still not the results I hoped for.

I exfoliate with Olay Pro X, my moisturizer is Cetaphil and the rest of my skincare is Dermatologist prescriptions for acne.

Annnny recommendations for primers, foundations? I'm extremely frustrated.

And Jackie if you read this, do you still recommend Bobbi Brown foundation and powder? I forget the exact name.

Amanda V.

Pittsburgh, PA