Makeup artist with criminal record?


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Aug 19, 2014

Jasi O.

Yeh so pretty much fucked lol, I'm studying teaching but if I'm convicted which I highly doubt I will be (regardless I want to be prepared lol), I was going to do makeup but there's not really any point if a workplace is going to check my record lol.

Aug 18, 2014

Heather G.

It depends what it was for, I think it will effect it if it was for stealing or something where it makes them question trust.

Aug 16, 2014

Shanniah G.

I don't think this should effect your makeup career unless the workplace you applied at decided to do a criminal record check on you, I'm pretty sure that's how it works as your criminal record isn't on your resume :-) , and I don't think it will effect your makeup course to be honest as when I applied for beauty school I had a meeting with them and they only asked me why I was so passionate about makeup and skin care and then they handed me application forms for the course which Is basically just for your personal details address, phone etc.. And the payment forms for the course. But I just don't think a beauty school would look that far onto your personal details like a criminal record but a workplace would be different allot would , and you can't really avoid it with any other beauty related job unless you did your course and worked for yourself or had your own business. But good luck :-)

Aug 15, 2014

Jasi O.


Aug 15, 2014

Jasi O.

Helpppp please lol

Aug 15, 2014

Jasi O.

Oh btw I don't know if it matters but I'm 19.

Aug 15, 2014

Jasi O.

I've had to rethink my career as I could be being charged for something, is it possible to do a makeup course and be a professional makeup artist with a criminal record? Even if I have to be a freelancing artist? If not does anyone know of anything else I could do beauty related with a criminal record? Thank you.