Nails Help Please!!


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Aug 18, 2014

Tegan W.

This is going to seem weird because you are wanting your nails to grow longer, but cutting your nails short and keeping them short for a while will help them grow stronger. I had to have my nails short for my beauty therapy course and they are so much stronger now. just keep them short for a couple of months and keep a nail strengthener and replenisher base coat on them and that should do the trick. just slowly start growing them longer

Aug 18, 2014

Jessica D.

Thanks so much olivia! Ill check it out :)

Aug 18, 2014

Massiell C.

Chopped garlic in clear topcoat works wonders.

Aug 18, 2014

Alyssa B.

There's really nothing you can do to strengthen them.. You just have to let your body do it for you. Your genes really determine a lot of things about your nails - how long they are, how hard they are, etc. You can't really change that but I'd suggest leaving them alone for a while and letting them harden on their own. Everything you're doing to your nails could be making them weaker so just give them some breathing time.

Aug 18, 2014

Jessica D.

Hello! So I'm trying to grow out my nails but they're just so thin and flimsy and always peel because they're so weak, even though I take good care of them! I have tried tons of nail strengtheners and nothing seems to work that great. Does anyone know anyways I can strengthen my nails because I can literally bend my nails down to touch my fingers... HELP!