I'm breaking out please help.


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Aug 21, 2014

Mallory L.

If this acne is hormonal, it's all the more reason that you SHOULDNT start wearing face makeup (foundation, bb cream, concealer, blush, bronzer) as I mentioned in your other post. Clogging your pores with makeup will only make this issue MUCH worse.

Aug 20, 2014

Shiro M.

This may also be due to hormones. You said you're going into 7th grade, so now would be about the time you start getting 'puberty' breakouts. Unfortunately, some girls your age feel the need to cover it up using heavy foundations and concealers, which only make the problem worse. Avoid the makeup and let your face breathe.

Aug 20, 2014

Janet B.

Mallory definitely nailed it! And make sure not to wash your face tooo much as this can dry out you skin, which in turn makes your skin produce too much oil, which clogs your pores and causes more spots.
Trust me, I learnt this the hard way, lol

Aug 20, 2014

Traci L.

Use a salicylic acid cleanser like Neutrogena deep clean cream cleanser and a witch hazel toner and spot treat the pimple with tee tree oil spot treatment or benzoyl peroxide spot treatment and moisturize with a gentle moisturizer like cerave your young and need to establish a good skincare routine and your hormones will cause breakouts but taking care of your skin now is important ,you don't have what is considered acne just a minor breakout so sometimes a skincare routine will be all you need if you see it's not helping or getting worse consult a derm but give it atleast six weeks.

Aug 20, 2014

Mallory L.

Def go see a dermatologist so you can take care of this before it gets worse. In the meantime, here's a few things I do to keep my breakouts at bay:
1. Use oil free face products
2. Don't touch your face or put your face directly on unclean surfaces (for ex: your desk)
3. Change your pillowcases frequently (at least once a week)
4. Wash your face twice a day
6. Drinks lots and lots of water

Aug 20, 2014

Anna S.

Btw I have more but this is just one.

Aug 20, 2014

Anna S.

Hi so I always had clear skin but now I've been getting a bunch of pimples and I really wanna clear my skin for school so any ideas on how to cover them up or let them heal btw I'm going into 7th grade and here is a picture of it.