Eyelash extensions ¿?¿


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Jul 30, 2014

Celine S.

Thank you guys so much!

Jul 29, 2014

Ellie S.

I get Eyelash Extensions/Individuals all the time. I always get them done so that my eyelashes still look natural not over the top. To remove the eyelashes you have to use baby oil and that prevents your actual eyelashes coming off. Eyelash extensions do make you're eyelashes shorter. Just be careful.

Jul 29, 2014

Katt A.

I had eyelash extensions awhile ago and they do make your eyelashes super thin and they aren't worth the money honestly because now I have to wear falsies otherwise it looks like I have no lashes because they are so thin

Jul 29, 2014

Kitty J.

Just keep wearing falsies, much easier. My friend had all her eyelashes ripped out from those on accident. And if you get an allergic reaction to them, you're screwed. Try using latese, an eyelash enhancing serum. Makes major differences!

Jul 29, 2014

Shannon S.

If you have heard that,I wouldn't take the risk:) Maybe try false lashes (natural looking ones) or layer voluminous mascaras:)

Jul 29, 2014

Celine S.

I have been considering getting eyelash extensions BUT I've heard that they're bad for your eyelashes and make them fall out 😳
I really like the look of them and everything.. Please help!¡