My eyebrows help!


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Jul 31, 2014

Bash H.

I actually have eyebrows like yours! Well, had. I didn't pluck or tweeze them though. After washing my face, I would raise them and shape them the way I wanted with my fingers or a spoolie. At first, you won't see a difference, but slowly it starts to take the shape. Also, filling them and using concealer tricks the eye! haha.

Jul 31, 2014

Emily H.

thank you everyone~

Jul 31, 2014

Breeze T.

I love their shape, they make you look like a runway model, not angry! :) I would not remove any hair, rather enhance what you have with a light brown brow pencil. Use sparingly, your eyebrows are near perfect, you don't want to mess with that!

Jul 31, 2014

Lou C.

I love natural eyebrows (I wish would be as thick as yours naturally). I would just use eyebrow powder to add a little more definition to them :)

Jul 31, 2014

kim N.

They look fine to me! you can clean it up just a bit if you don't want that angled look. I suggest lining them with an eye brow gel and then feeling them in with a brow powder.

Jul 31, 2014

Valerie C.

Yes, maybe go to the salon and get them cleaned up! Also, the brow gel could really help with that, you can place them a different way!

Jul 31, 2014

Emily H.

Okay thanms! And also, is there any way to make them less angled so that I don't look so angry all the time?

Jul 31, 2014

Valerie C.

Eyebrows are not supposed to be even! They are sisters, not twins! To keep them in position, you can get an eyebrow defining gel

Jul 31, 2014

Emily H.

I have dark bushy eyebrows that jjst aren't even; one is shorter than the other, and even worse, they end up going up really high at the end so that whenever I take pictures, I look really angry all the time. I just don't know what to do with my eyebrows haha
Any help would be appreciated thank you!