Liquid Eyeliner tips?


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Jul 29, 2014

Katherine L.

I would draw it all the way into the upper tear duct. Right now it's ending suddenly near the inner corners and what I usually do is to make it thinner and thinner until it's in the tear duct. Does this make sense? I hope so I'm so bad at explaining haha :)

Jul 29, 2014

Bry R.

Your eyeliner looks good. Try either a different mascara or get an eyelash comb to comb through your eyelashes after you apply mascara.

Jul 29, 2014

Liv I.

Maybe try and zoom out of the pic a little? If that makes sense haha I can't really see it.

Jul 29, 2014

Kathy D.

Recently started using liquid eyeliner.. not sure if this looks good. Any tips? And why does my mascara get all clumpy and the lashes get stuck together? Help please!:)