Why Do Acrylic White Tip.


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Jul 30, 2014

Angela J.

I've never once had that issue and I usually have mine for a long time, through several fills. I'd go back and see if they'll redo them or at least fix them if possible.

Jul 30, 2014

Leslie S.

They are meant to last much longer than 2 weeks, I used to do nails professionally and had clients who wore the same set for a long time and we did basic maintenance and they were fine. The liquid /Powder could be bad or old.
By chance do you smoke? It can alter the color but usually not, I almost bet it's the product.

Jul 30, 2014

Diana T.

Could be bacteria growing on them... I don't think they are meant to last much longer than 2 weeks IMO but I've only had them
Done once and after a week I couldn't handle it n ripped them off : P

Jul 30, 2014

Leslie S.

It could be the liquid the place used. Not all are the same.

Jul 30, 2014

Yve G.

Nails turn yellow after a few weeks of getting them done?