Salicylic acid burn help!!


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Jul 29, 2014

Hannah F.

Thanks so much kitty. Neosporin is really helping. I'm hoping it won't scar!

Jul 28, 2014

Kitty K.

Aww I'm sorry :( It's main ingredient alcohol... so it is no good for anyone period. Most likely what gave you that reaction.
I like tea tree oil for my spots... I dilute it with water or a non-comedogenic oil.

Jul 28, 2014

Hannah F.

Clinique's on the spot gel. I will admit I did use too much. I don't normally have acne problems so when I get a zit I freak out a little. (Which is ridiculous I know lol)

Jul 28, 2014

Kitty K.

No lavender oil that will just make it sooo much worse, lol. Same with chamomile... phototoxic... same concept as just putting a bunch of lime juice on it. For burns neosporin or aloe vera... no oil of any kind.
What spot treatment did you use? It may not be the actual salicylic acid itself but the ingredients to it. ( I just looked at a salicylic acid based spot treatment and it just yells burn so you may be using that same one. )

Jul 28, 2014

Hannah F.

So I believe I got a burn from over using my on the spot acne treatment. I have a red spot where the pimple was. It's flaky and dry. And it hurts! Does anyone have any recommendations? (And going to the doctor seems a little much)