Why is it still re, please help.


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Jul 29, 2014

Mia Z.

I got mine done about two weeks ago, it still gets a little sore but just clean it and take Advil for the swelling. you'll be ok??

Jul 29, 2014

Alyx T.

It's not irritated because the rod is long, the rod needs to be long to make sure if you swell you don't tear it. Just keep cleaning it every time you eat and such for at least a month and if it's still red, go back to your piercer.

Another thing, do you have sensitive skin? I know whenever I get piercings I stay red for a week or so longer than they say. When I had mine done I was red and swollen for almost 4 weeks but it's just because I have sensitive skin. The entire one side of my lip was swollen though lol. It's a trauma wound, you had a needle stuck through your lip, it's going to be red and swollen for a while.

Jul 29, 2014

Aialeen a.

Shaye I think it irritated cuz the rod is so so long now, I clean it with saltwater

Jul 29, 2014

Marie A.


Jul 29, 2014

Shaye M.

I can't really see the picture properly but even though it's new it looks as though it's more uncomfortable then a normal just pierced lip to me, the bar looks like it might even be a little tight for the swelling. How often do you clean it and what with? :)

It's normal for it to be swollen, my angel bites were swollen for about a week but after the swelling went down the redness starts to go away and eventually you'll start getting little crusty bits around the top of your piercing, to me that indicated that they were healing nicely and there wasn't any infection going on. You've only had it a week so give it another week or two to make sure. :)

Jul 28, 2014

Nailah D.

Just soak it in warm sea salt water it'll clean it well and stop the irritation

Jul 28, 2014

Tatyana A.

It's completely normal, it's supposed to be like that. Just don't take it out and don't touch it that much

Jul 28, 2014

Aialeen a.

Okay thank you all:-)

Jul 28, 2014

Zina K.

A piercing can take months to years to heal. so don't worry. just don't touch it and make sure you don't clean it with agressive soap.

Jul 28, 2014

Fazila S.

I so want to get this piercing... I hope the swelling and redness goes soon...

Jul 28, 2014

Katriena c.


Jul 28, 2014

Katriena c.

It is normal working 2-4weeks it will be fine:) just remember to clean it and the less you play with the piercing the faster you let the hole heal!

Jul 28, 2014

Aialeen a.

Hey all so its nearlt over a week since I got my monroe piercing but it's red at swollen where the hole is, is that normal?