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Jul 31, 2014

Lorna G.

Thank you so much ladies, I didn't expect so much feedback. thank you so so much. As I don't have duraline I kept with the eye drop mixture and it worked like a charm. thank you so much!

Jul 30, 2014

Staci R.

Lol didn't notice the lady above me said the same thing! 👆

Jul 30, 2014

Staci R.

Hey try the duraline from inglot!! That stuff is amazeballs and I use it for some of my gel liners/ shadow pots when they get a bit dried up!

Jul 30, 2014

Alyx T.

I wouldn't recommend makeup remover. If you have an oil based makeup remover and a water based liner or vise versa it can
cause them separate and do funky things to your liner. Plus it might do the same thing as when you put nail polish remover/thinner in dry/clumpy nail polish. It causes the formula to change and is trying to remove as its applied, causing it to last less amount of time, flake off and just doing the opposite of what you want.

Jul 30, 2014

Mrs B.

A little bit of makeup remover and it will bring get right back to life.

Jul 30, 2014

Alyx T.

Eye drops do help a and don't change formulas. Just make sure it's not the redness clearing drops. You want moisturizing ones. I don't like gel liners that are on the dry side and I use eye drops in mine all the time. You just put 1 (or if it's really dry a couple) and mix with something like a toothpick. If it's really rock hard dry I suggest putting 2-3 drops in, leaving it for a few hours and then mix.

Jul 30, 2014

Hannah K.

Yeah...early morning yoga, what can I say? Lol most days I'm up before 7.

Jul 30, 2014

Breeze T.

Here it's 1:40 pm, just finished lunch!

Jul 30, 2014

Breeze T.

That's the one! Yeah I was surprised that you answered this early, Hannah! I'm such a night owl!

Jul 30, 2014

Hannah K.

Understandable :) yeah, I'm the only 20 year old I know who voluntarily wakes up at 6:30 am during summer holiday...I'm weird! Lol.

Jul 30, 2014

Lorna G.

Ah wow! if only I could travel to USA, and start my Wednesday all over again to make it more productive hahaha! IT's 9.04 PM. I hope you have a lovely morning and Productive morning :) Thank you so much, I'm not going to bed until I have this eyeliner sorted! hahaha

Jul 30, 2014

Hannah K.

I don't think it would :) my Wednesday is just lovely! It's 7 am right now and I'm up and about! I hope you have a lovely day as well, and you manage to bring your eyeliner back from the dead! :)

Jul 30, 2014

Lorna G.

Hello Breeze T,
Thank you so much for your fast response! I'm glad to hear you are having a wonderful week! Thank you so much! I just found the URL.
Is it this one?
Thank you so so much :)

Jul 30, 2014

Lorna G.

Hello Hannah, thanks so much for your fast response!
Saline eyedrops? I might try and "foil it with the eyedrops. It's literally like, a dry river bed hahaha! It was only today I was searching for it, and discovered it all dried up. I'm pretty sure a saline solution wouldn't necessarily change the formulation, would it? Thanks so much for your tip, I really appreciate it. I hope you have a lovely Wednesday!

Jul 30, 2014

Breeze T.

Hey! I'm g
having such a wonderful week! Okay so Wayne Goss (gossmakeupartist on YouTube) made a video on how to revive a dry gel eyeliner. I'd link it but I'm on the app and it won't give me the URL, but here's the title: "QUICK MAKEUP TIP! MAKE YOUR GEL EYELINER NEW AGAIN!". You should be able to fix it hopefully!

Jul 30, 2014

Hannah K.

I could be totally wrong (I haven't opened one of my gel liners in probably about 2 years) but I believe that saline eyedrops will help revive it :)

Jul 30, 2014

Lorna G.

Hello all!
I hope everybody is well and having a wonderful week.
Do you ever leave your gel liner caps off and literally forget to put it on?
I unfortunately did this two days ago, and only realized now, that my eyeliner looks like the bottom of a dried up river bed!!
Is there anyway to save the eyeliner? is it better to just toss it? thanks so much in advance ladies and gents, I hope you have a lovely day!

All feedback and tips are highly appreciated!