I need to look a lot prettier before school starts.


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Aug 2, 2014

Chicky K.

That's pretty but I don't really wear skirts or dresses

Aug 2, 2014

Kat A.


Aug 2, 2014

Chicky K.

I wear a lot of low cut shirts and skinny jeans and leggings and short shorts and I mainly shop at like charming Charles and Aeropostale American Eagle and Plato's closet.

Aug 2, 2014

Chicky K.

I like that last one.

Aug 2, 2014

Kat A.


Aug 2, 2014

Liv I.


Aug 2, 2014

Liv I.


Aug 2, 2014

Kat A.


Aug 2, 2014

Chicky K.

I don't really wear rompers

Aug 2, 2014

Kat A.


Aug 2, 2014

Chicky K.

I like a lot if those

Aug 2, 2014

Chicky K.

Of those

Aug 2, 2014

Bry R.

Wanna know why everyone in your grade looks so... made up? Because they are influenced at a young age that's what beauty is and they are in too big a hurry to grow up. You are not ugly. I find natural girls gorgeous. This is why I hate media. They make girls of all ages feel like crap about themselves just because they don't look like that chick in the magazine. That woman in the magazine doesn't even look like the woman in the magazine. But there is nothing wrong with playing around with your hair or makeup :) Surf the web for a cut/color you like and go for it. Try out some lipsticks, eyeliner and mascaras. Go to the store and pick out some clothing you like and make some cute outfits if you want :)

Aug 2, 2014

Haley G.

Oh no that title breaks my heart. You are very pretty, but, regardless, even if you weren't considered pretty, it wouldn't matter. What matters is on the inside. Sounds super silly and cliche coming from users of a beauty community, but it's the truth. I used to feel just like you, until I realized that makeup is the ultimate expression and that I don't even need it. No one does. Men, conventionally, don't wear makeup simply because they are not expected to. That's it. We, as humans, don't need it. I only realized this stuff maybe last year, so if you can see what we're all saying now, you will have a very very healthy outlook on yourself and other women. So please, please, don't succumb to the idea that you have to change to be okay. Changing hair and style and makeup is fun, it brings so many of us joy, but once THAT starts defining who you are, I truly feel a little of our souls die.

Aug 2, 2014

Dy D.

Omg noooo. learn to love yourself, girl. It's hard and it takes time but it is sooo worth it.

Just wear things that make you feel good about yourself.  <3

Aug 2, 2014

Myah M.

You can't look THAT bad...