Hair shedding?!


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Aug 2, 2014

Ariel W.

I loose a lot all the time. I have thick wavy hair. And I run my brush through like three times just to make sure to get it all out. Even straightening I still get a ton. But that's normal for me.

Aug 2, 2014

Lauren N.

I loose a lot too I know that when your stressed you loose a lot too.

Aug 2, 2014

Jocelyn S.

Haha I hardly EVER brush my hair and when I wash it I lose so much's gross. I wouldn't worry unless they are coming out in clumps.

Aug 2, 2014

Maggie F.

Mine sheds a lot too. Mainly in the fall. After I blow dry my hair, my floor is covered! I noticed an improvement though when I started taking a multivitamin with additional supplements for hair, skin and nails and fish oil supplements.

Aug 2, 2014

Chicky K.

It's normal but it's just like my hair except I lost most of it in one spot.

Aug 1, 2014

Diana T.

Mine used to be thick but after years of regular hair fallout it is now much more fine - so yes it's normal but just realize that as you age your hair will go from thick to thin (maybe... :P)

Aug 1, 2014

Elaiah C.

Girl I know how you feel! My hair is the same! Super thick and long haha I always have a ton of hair coming out but the way I look at is that my hair won't be as thick and heavy lol :)

Aug 1, 2014

Mya T.

And this isn't really a new problem.. But thanks guys this makes me feel a lot better about this problem!

Aug 1, 2014

Mya T.

Thanks guys! Like tbh I feel as if my hair has gotten thinner just from the fact of my hair falling out.. My hair isn't straight but it isn't extremely wavy it's in the middle. I don't wash my hair often and my hair is very long. I also hardly use a blow dryer or heat on my hair In general so I have no idea what could be causing it.

Aug 1, 2014

Lindsay H.

This happens to me too I have longer really thick hair it also happens to my sister who is the same

Aug 1, 2014

Becky J.

On average a person loses about 100 hairs a day, (something ridiculous like that) and that can appear like a lot more if you wear your hair up, it's curly/ wavy, you don't wash it everyday, etc... As you've said your hair's thick, you probably might be experiencing this.

Unless you think your hair looks thinner or this is a new problem then I wouldn't worry about it.

Aug 1, 2014

Mya T.

That is what my hair looks like ^

Aug 1, 2014

Mya T.

My hair is long and thick and is it normal for my hair to shed a lot?? Everytime I brush my hair a lot of hair comes out. Idk if it's normal! Someone help?