My Sensitive But Oily Skin!?


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Aug 1, 2014

Tina S.

I have some black heads but my skin is reactive to some saylic acid clensers and spot creams. but I have to be super careful how I pick or touch/rub/clense my face as it gets red & blotchy. any suggestions on how to cleanse with keeping the senitive but spoty/oily skin combo in mind?

Aug 1, 2014

Alyssa B.

Get a cleanser for sensitive skin.

Aug 1, 2014

Fräulein R.

My skin is oily and sensitive too. I never use scrubs that breaks me out like crazy. I use a cleanser from La Roche Posay and use the estee lauder serum and the moisterizer from Origins for compination skin. Its called Make Difference +. For me that helped.

Aug 1, 2014

Maria B.

Try benzoyl peroxide instead.

Aug 1, 2014

Kaleigh D.

BP is terrible for sensitive skin. Try Alba Botanical's daily detox wash. It has oil clearing creams in it and is formulated for sensitive skin. It even works nicely on my skin which is rare.

Aug 1, 2014

Katherine L.

I have the exact same skin type! I tried the saylic acid and benzoyl peroxide and they both made me really gross and red.

What I do now (which has cleared up some spots) is Kitty K's green tea toner. You can find the link in her profile, and that stuff works amazing! Along with an Epsom salt toner (3 teaspoons Epsom salt with 1 cup warm water). This made my skin clear up really fast.

The cleanser I use is for sensitive, acne prone skin. It's the Cetaphil Acne cleanser and even though it doesn't really do much, my toners make up for it. Good luck with your skin :)

Aug 1, 2014

Traci L.

Cerave cleanser and moisturizer are good for sensitive skin and just a alcohol free witch hazel toner and diluted tee tree oil you can dilute it to your liking to make it more gentle to be used as a spot treatment

Aug 1, 2014

Diana T.

Try the OCM it works great for me in deeply cleaning to remove blackheads without any harsh chemicals or salicylic acid (SA) - you could also try an AHA exfoliant that doesn't have SA in it I think the Mario badescu glycolic foaming cleanser doesn't

Tina S.

London, UK.