How to grow out hair?


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Aug 1, 2014

Julia G.

So I've been doing some researching online on how to grow out hair and I've read things about don't do this and don't do that, but maybe you guys can be more clear about this.

A few questions I have:

Does training your hair to washes every other day really help the natural oils in your hair? What dry shampoo do you reccomend?

I'm considering getting regular trims now on my split ends. Would that help at all?

A little more info on my hair:
I'd say my hair is healthy, but it can be better. I had my haircut last year where it only reached the base of my neck and now my hair is past my shoulders and down to my boobs.

So are there any tips you guys reccomend?

Aug 1, 2014

Julia G.

Oh, and I forgot to mention I barely use any styling tools, but only a use a blow dryer. Since it's summer and I'm in the house a lot I let it air dry more than blow dry it.

Aug 1, 2014

Leigh A.

Ok I had very short hair for a long time because my hair would not grow and this is what I did.

Wash your hair every other day. Use a shampoo and conditioner meant to strengthen your tips so they don't break off (this is what prevents your hair from growing) I recommend Pantene's Beautiful Lengths. It did wonders for me.

Regular trims are good for your hair but I would get a trim about every three months and only about half an inch. Your hair only grows about half an inch an month so if you cut it every month you're cutting off all the new hair you've grown.

Take Biotin. Its a vitamin specifically for stronger hair and nails. It works beautifully.

Continue to minimize the amount of heat you use on your hair. Healthy hair grows better.

Good luck!

Aug 1, 2014

Kaitlin M.

Do not take biotin without talking to your doctor and going for blood work. If you take it without checking for a deficiency, you put yourself at risk for horrible acne breakouts, and your body can also go into shock. Too much of anything is bad.

Washing your hair everyday really does help with the oil. It's the summer for me right now so I wash my hair every two-three days since I'm not in school.

Trim your hair when you need to. I advise you to get a wide toothed comb or a tangle teased brush, which will safely untangle your hair without pulling or breaking the strands of hair.

I really love to use a split end cream. The split end repair cream by Pantene is awesome. And it smells good too. I grew my hair about 12 inches in a year, so this is all from true personal experience. I have a picture of my hair on my profile if you want to see

Aug 1, 2014

Kendra H.

Hey girl!
There is no way to make your hair grow longer. There are no magic creams or treatments that will force your hair to grow faster. It's all really based on genetics. However, there are things you can do to improve the health of your hair which in turn could speed up the growing process if it's in your genetics:

1. Use oil or deep conditioning treatments.

2. Don't wash your hair everyday. This stops your hairs natural oils from doing what they are supossed to do. Depending on the shampoo you use washing everyday can actually clog your hair follicles.

3. Stop using heat tools! Even if you use styling tools every once in a while; it's still bad. Try using a repair cream or serum for any damage and try to go a few months with NO heat tools, this includes a blow dryer.

4. Get your hair trimmed up regularly! Get split ends and dead hair cut off as this keeps your hair healthy and lets it grow.
5. Invest in a split end cream for when you aren't getting them cut off.

6. Most importantly: NEVER take any kind a vitamin, such as biotin, for hair growth unless you consult a doctor! Unless you have a deficiency, these vitamins can actually build up in your body and give horrible side effects and make you very sick. As these vitamins are already in the foods you eat; a defficeny is uncommon. However, a doctor will be able to do blood work.

In the end hair growth is mostly genetics and the health of hair. You can try things to help but it is mostly just a waiting game.

Aug 1, 2014

Kendra H.

Oh yes and use a comb instead of brush to minimize breakage and never brush the hair while wet! Instead use a comb! Although, this can also break the hair it's much better than a brush. If you have some money you can get a wet brush from Ulta which is meant for use on wet hair and prevents any kind of breakage from happening!

Aug 1, 2014

Cici C.

My hair use to be short but I looked up many things to grow it out.It was down to my boobs and now past my belly button.

Use olive oil.Warm it up in the mircowave for a couple of seconds and rub it in through your scalp using the inversion method.This is when you flip your hair over so your head is facing down and massage your scalp with the warm olive oil.

Also Deep condition your hair with mayonaise (sorry if I spell that wrong lol) but it makes your hair soft and shiny!!

Eggs are also great protein to grow out your hair when mixed with olive oil.

And last DONT wash your hair everyday!! It washes out natural oils and causes your hair to dry and then feel rough

Hope this helps!!:)

Aug 1, 2014

Olivia A.

•Do NOT use biotin!! Jacqlyn's mom ended up in the hospital because she took biotin for her hair.
•Try to go no-heat (blow drying, straightening, curling).
•Do lots of deep conditioners, oils, ect.
•Don't wash your hair everyday
•Cut your hair only when you have split ends (hopefully you won't have any 😊) and as soon as you get them because they could split all the way up the hair shaft if you leave them too long
•Growing hair is mostly genetics though. No matter how well I look after my will never grow as fast as Kitty's because she has the growing-long-hair genes and I don't.

Aug 1, 2014

Olivia A.

Oh yes! & don't brush your hair when it's wet!!

Aug 1, 2014

Julia G.

Thank you guys so much for your help!