Anyone get a photofacial??


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Oct 22, 2014

Maggie F.

Thanks Traci! I've never heard of an ultrasound facial so I will look into it for sure!

Oct 22, 2014

Traci L.

Well your going to see more of a noticeable change with IPL, led works better with multiple treatments but If all your concerned about is boosting collagen go for the led or look into a ultrasound facial which is even better.

Oct 22, 2014

Maggie F.

Kelly, I was worried about a reaction like that. Most stuff I read says it only causes temporary redness and I wasn't sure I believed that Lol! Thanks for sharing! I'm glad you got good results though!

Oct 22, 2014

Maggie F.

Traci, Thanks so much! That makes sense. I'm so confused about these. Which one would you recommend for me. Here's a no makeup pic (ugh Lol). I don't have much sun damage, but some old acne marks and still get acne around my period.

Oct 22, 2014

Kelly R.

I did - it honestly hurt like rubber bands snapping on my face and it looked like I had chicken pocks for a week - it looks amazing after but did take time - I'd go to a reputable place - I searched for a year before finding the right place

Oct 22, 2014

Traci L.

It depends on if your getting a Led photo facial which is painless and leaves no irritation or a IPL photo facial which is actually a laser, in that case you will have some redness and any hyperpigmentation you have may turn to tiny dark spots then fall off after a week or two depending in your skin, so I'm not sure how your skin will look in two days , each case is different.

Oct 22, 2014

Maggie F.

So it's spaweek in Boston where I live and a medspa in the area is having a deal for $50 photofacials. I'm obsessed with all things antiaging now that I'm 33, so I'm going to try it. I don't have many brown spots or sun damage, but I can always use more collagen and better skin tone (and have had more invasive laser treatments as well). Has anyone had one? I have a date 2 days later. Will I look ok by then? I have fair, Irish skin tone but it's pretty resilient.