Fix red tones in brown hair?


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Oct 19, 2014

Rebecca B.

Thanks everyone, I'll try it all!

Oct 18, 2014

Aurora S.

Purple shampoo will not help in your case. Purple shampoo will tone out yellow/golden or even orange tones depending on how blue it is. I'd suggest getting a semi green color and mixing it with some inexpensive shampoo and use this about once a week. It'll stain the hair little by little but this staining will tone the red tone. Don't over do it or your hair could turn more green but with shampoo it'll tone little by little because of the sulfates, leave it on like... 3 minutes

Oct 17, 2014

W J.

Purple shampoo tones down brassiness

Oct 17, 2014

W J.

My hair stylist suggested using purple shampoo once or twice a week.

Oct 17, 2014

Romie L.

Had the same problem, red does fade very fast and I washed it a couple of times with head&shoulders but... if you're not happy with the results from the hairdresser and they did something wrong, then go back! If you are not happy with what they did then they should fix it for you without charging you, keep us updated😊 I went back and they fixed it for me so now I have my brown hair back!^^

Oct 17, 2014

Rebecca B.

A few days ago I got the ends of my hair bleached- I asked for ash tones in my hairdressers and it's still very red, is there anything I can do at home to make it less red?

Rebecca B.

Liverpool, England