How to get rid of my green hair?


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Dec 21, 2014

Becca S.

You should go to a salon and get it professionally done. It doesn't cost that much and you'll save you a lot of aggravation in the long run and your hair will come out looking perfect!

Dec 17, 2014

Kelly V.

You don't need to bleach or use a color remover to get brown hair. I would use a warm brown. probably a level 4. you need the warmth or even a pinch of red to counter act the green.

Dec 17, 2014

Sable G.

I agree on doing a bleach wash, but honestly if you're going brown why not just color over it rather than do more damage?

Dec 17, 2014

Michelle D.

IF you can, get your hands on some hair bleach. 1 part bleach 1 part shampoo if you can get developer do 1 part developer. massage it through the green bits and you should be able to see it fade away :) if not, baking soda mixed with dishwashing liquid also works. You will probably want to put some nice nourishing treatments on your hair afterwards

Dec 17, 2014

Jack B.

I've only heard bad things about color strippers. Dish soap can help fade color really quickly since its way harsher than shampoos, doing that a few times will help remove the color so it takes a brown dye better!

Dec 17, 2014

Hannah-leisha M.

Thank you both :)

Dec 17, 2014

Talia B.

I wouldnt use a color stripper because thats how my hair went grey and wouldnt take any color from me stripping it from purple.

Dec 17, 2014

Talia B.

this color!

Dec 17, 2014

Talia B.

I would just dye over it with very strong brown dye! I reccommend ion from sally beauty supply, I just had grey hair thay wouldnt take color, and now its this color!

Dec 17, 2014

Bre H.

If your waiting to dye it maybe try bleaching it again get a color stripper or purple shampoo our just wait tell you can get your hair died :)

Dec 17, 2014

Hannah-leisha M.

Here is a better picture. I plan on dyeing it after Christmas

Dec 17, 2014

Hannah-leisha M.

I recently had blue and pink hair, but I need to get rid of it and go back to brown. How do I accomplish this? This is what it looks like right now.