Hair extensions help!!


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Dec 19, 2014

Alyssa I.

Okay thanks guys haha. I didn't think it would look good but just wondering

Dec 18, 2014

Jessica N.

You could get ombre extensions where the top matches your color and gets lighter at the bottom, past your real hair. But no, you can't just buy lighter extensions lol.

Dec 18, 2014

Holly C.

No, I don't think that would work, sorry! You are beautiful just as you are!

Dec 18, 2014

Alex M.

Tbh noooooo

Dec 18, 2014

Alyssa I.

I have naturally jet black hair and I have always wanted to experiment lighter hair colors like a light brown. However I do not want to bleach my hair! Is it possible to use hair extensions of a lighter color and put it over my natural hair color? Or would that look raggedy and have no choice but to bleach it? I hope my question makes sense.