Dandruff and oil


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Dec 20, 2014

Angel C.

I recommend washing every other day, using a light weight shampoo and conditioner on the days you wash, deep conditioning once a week, and also get a clarifying shampoo to use once a week as well. Also, invest in a good dry shampoo for days that you don't wash. I used to have the same problem as you, and now my hair is like AMAZING! I have gotten a lot of compliments on it, and even on days when I don't even really try to do anything with it.

Some products I recommend are:
*Shea Moisture Superfruit Complex Masque (deep conditioner)
*Batiste Dry Shampoo (Cherry is my favorite scent)
*Redken Hair Cleansing Cream Shampoo (clarifying shampoo)
*Any Shea Moisture shampoo or conditioner (I bounce back and forth depending on how my hair is feeling for the day: I.e. oily or dry)

...and as bad as it may be to do this, and I don't recommend it for everyday use but when your hair is REALLY nasty and has TONS of build-up, I mix a tiny bit of baking soda in with my shampoo. Then I'll use a heavier moisturizer or my deep conditioner to bring some life back to my hair.

Those are just the products that have worked for me. I'd look into those, but what may work for one may not work for the other so go with what works best for you.

Hope this helps, and good luck :)

Dec 19, 2014

S V.

I had the same issue, and to be honest, you have to train your hair. What is happening (at least it seems like) is that your hair care routine (maybe your shampoo) is drying out your hair so your scalp is over compensating by producing oil. Then you rewash it, and the cycle starts again. This is what I did, and what I suggest. Buy a sulfate free shampoo. A good quality one, not like a Loreal one cause they just find other cheap crap to replace the sulfates with which are just as damaging. I use the kiehls amino acid shampoo. It is the ONLY one I use now. Then, let your hair air dry after you wash it. Try to do that as much as you can, rather than reach for a blow dryer. For a week or two, your scalp is going to stay oily because it's used to producing lots of oil. You have to tough it out girl, only wash it twice a week in spite of that. You'll notice that after a couple weeks, your scalp will stop producing so much oil. I honestly has the exact same issue as you, and I'd have to fight the urge to wash it everyday or everyother day, but now I wash it twice a week!

Dec 19, 2014

Sable G.

Tea tree conditioner is a Godsend. :)

Dec 18, 2014

Diana T.

Honestly dandruff and oily scalps seems to go hand in hand - so a dandruff shampoo really would be best in this case - it will be gentle enough to not overly dry your scalp and should also help with oiliness if you don't like head n shoulders there are other dandruff shampoos you can try - including selsun blue or even a tea tree oil based shampoo

Dec 18, 2014

Mallory L.

Maybe switch to a shampoo that's sulfate free, fragrance free and low poo. Those ingredients could be drying your scalp out. It sounds like when your scalp is dry, it starts to overproduce oil to compensate for the dryness. That squeaky clean feeling after you wash your hair is not necessarily good for your hair.

Dec 18, 2014

Megan W.

I have heard of the caveman treatment for the face, but not the hair. sincere I have washed less it has been a lot less oily. I think I will try going two days between washes, and washing with Clear Scalp and Hair if I can find it. thanks.

Dec 18, 2014

Emily C.

It could be hormones or your hair is just dry. Limit yourself to washing your hair only once or twice a week. I love Clear Scalp and Hair. It balances out the moister in my hair. If you're willing I would suggest trying the no shampoo movement.

Dec 18, 2014

Megan W.

After I wash my hair my scalp is SUPER dry, then the next day it starts to get oily, and by day 2 it is SUPER oily. why is my scalp on a dry/oily roller coaster, and what can I do to regulate it? I used to be an everyday washer, but have washed every other day or every second day for over a year now. phase don't say head and shoulders as my hair is extremely thick, and head and shoulders doors not make it smell clean.