What are facials good for?


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Dec 23, 2014

Sarah N.

Facials will help can help improve many skin problems. describe your issues and your esthetician will pick products for you, but following with home care is also very important. it's amazing how many clients come in and complain about their skin in between their very rare facials and tell me the products they are using at home & they aren't meant for their skin at all. so yes facials will definitely help but keep up a good home care regimen to get the best results.

Dec 22, 2014

Krupa B.

Mud masks

Dec 19, 2014

Alondra G.

Yes you need to find a specefic regimen for your specific skin type.

Dec 19, 2014

Gisell G.

I feel that facials are great for when in breaking out

Dec 19, 2014

Jenna L.

I have a lot of white heads breaking out and I'm wondering if a facial would help?