How To Make My Hair Thicker Again?? please Help.


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Oct 26, 2014

Marleen B.

I agree with what everyone else said. But I would also advise.
1. Don't wash your hair more than you need to. Regardless of the products you use, just the act of your hair being wet & letting it air dry can cause dehydration from the pure act of 'evaporation ".
2. USe leave-in products to protect your hair from the environment, esp. if you're going to be in the sun all day or if you're going swimming.
3. Try not to process your hair or limit it. I'm talking about hair dryers, straightening, curling irons and coloring.
3. Don't over-brush your hair.
4. ALWAYS use a moisterizing hair mask at least once a week. But not a repairing mask which has protein in it. Too much protein can make your hair.dry & brittle.
5. I also like to take fish oil supplements. I take them for my overall health but they are good for your hair also.
6. And lastly, let your hairdresser know of your concern and tell her/him that you want a haircut that will make your hair look fuller. And I'm talking about the actual 'haircut' not about giving you a fuller look with products & styling tools. Good luck.

Oct 26, 2014

Kelly V.

If your hair has dramatically thinned out it may be a sign that there's something else going on. on average we lose 50 to 100 strands of hair a day. its normal for hair to thin out a little bit as we age. if you notice hair falling out more rapidly then I would see a doctor. it may be a sign on a thyroid problem, lack of vitamin or nutrients or more. stress can play a roll in hair loss as can diet. make sure your eat right and drinking plenty or water. treat your hair good...go easy on the heat and get trims regularly. coconut oil or other "home remedies" will not make your hair thicker.

Oct 26, 2014

Isabel M.

There isn't really a way to re thicken, but what you can do is start to take extra care of your scalp, massage it, thoroughly clean it and condition it to help restore your hairs health. Things can temporarily thicken it, like volumizing and texturizing sprays , gels, ECT,. However I don't think there are masks that can thicken , nor do I think there are many oils to do the trick. I've heard of USIN. Castor oil to help reduce hair thinning! As for products, Big sexy has a good hair spray for that!

Oct 26, 2014

Diana T.

Same here girl - I found that as I age my hair has become thinner and I think it's a normal thing that comes with age and overall health of your hair - but I find that using volumizing mousse on wet hair gives it back the volume that is usually lacking in thin hair - otherwise there are shampoos/conditioners that claim to re thicken hair that has thinned due to aging - like rogaine for women and other brands like living proof you can try those to see if they help.

Oct 26, 2014

M G.

I use coconut oil but as hair mask I dunno if there any thing thtll make your hair thicker sorry I'm not help.

Oct 26, 2014

Kirin S.

Hi Sobia,
Firstly, thinning hair as you age can be caused by stress or lack of sleep. However, if these aren't problems for you, I've heard that using coconut oil on hair really works to thicken the hair and speed up growth. A few of my friends have tried this and they have said it works great! So maybe try that out :)