Dry Hair Tips


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Oct 28, 2014

Nadine A.

Its ok! Thank you so much for the help!

Oct 28, 2014

Jack B.

Whoops that was really long, sorry! And best of luck!

Oct 28, 2014

Jack B.

Hm, how frequently do you take your hair out and brush it? We lose about 100 strands per day, so if you're brushing less than daily you can get a bunch of hair that seems like it all came out at once, but is actually just an accumulation. I wash my hair about on e a week and I swear, it looks like a little animal is sitting on the shower drain.

To avoid losing hair, though, I would refrain from ponytails or any tight styles. If you've got to tie your hair back, use a super lose and low ponytail to avoid stressing your hair more.

I'm not sure if the headscarf would contribute to stressing or pulling hair, but you might want to avoid it as much as possible. I know many people who wear headscarves for religious reasons don't wear them at home or when alone. If that's the case, you could schedule yourself a weekend "retreat" and try to stay home or in no-headscarf conditions for as long as possible. And depending on how you have to wear it, I think a loose hijab-like scarf would be less damaging than a tightly wrapped turban style covering.

Overall I would just try to be super gentle with your hair (never brush when wet if straight, only comb when wet and full of conditioner if it's curly) and let it be as free and avoid friction as much as possible, and try to get to the doctor ASAP. And avoid diy home remedies or vitamins/supplements without talking to a doctor first - if something is up, taking unnecessary supplements could make things worse.

Oct 28, 2014

Taylor G.

That doesn't sound like dry hair, you should really see a doctor just to be safe!

Oct 28, 2014

Nadine A.

My hair needs help! So this is really late to be asking this but I wear a headscarf and have been for 8 years. That means that my hair has not seen the sun for 8 years. Yes its absolutely terrible, I know 😁 I've always had a lot of hair fall out but lately it has gotten out of control. These past several months I will remove probably 3/4 a cups worth of hair every day. I will run my hands through my hair and so much will just fall out. I can't take my hair out of a tie without having a clump of hair come out with it. I know I should see a dermatologist and I plan to! But I'm really busy as of late and wanted some basic tips that would help me.
Thank you guys so much in Advance!