Washing hair after gym.


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Oct 28, 2014

Mia F.

I am in the same situation ðŸ˜£

Oct 28, 2014

Phoebe F.

I personally do but I just like the fact that I never have to be worried about greasy and dirty hair. I haven't had a problem with the oils being stripped to bad if you get a more organic shampoo.

Oct 28, 2014

Kitty K.

You can always use a cleansing conditioner so your hair isn't over stripped. To help with the oil stripped away from shampooing you can add a little bit of oil to your hair.

Oct 28, 2014

Julia K.

I'd say it depends. if you are very sweaty, just wash it, it's not that bad for your hair. but if you feel not so stinky, you can easily get away with dry shampoo. :)

Oct 28, 2014

Amy H.

I go to the gym 4+ days a week and three of those days I go to work later in the day so obviously I need to have a shower so that I don't smell at work :P my question is is it bad to wash my hair each day after the gym? Or do you have any suggestions to get my hair cleanish without washing it with shampoo/conditioner.