Why is popping pimples so bad for you?


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Oct 24, 2014

Manasi S.

You're exposing your body to bacteria and pathogens just like if you got a cut. and while your body may not get exposed at all there is a risk that it can. it also may leave scars.

Oct 24, 2014

Aarie G.

When you pop pimples, it leaves scars and spreads bacteria making more pimples on your face

Oct 24, 2014

Sarah L.

Professionals have a different technic to get all the bacteria out and pop pimples. the thing is that if you pop a pimple and don't get all the pus out you might get it infected. you could get scars. but tbh it's never happened to me and I'm a pimple popper /.\. when I pop a pimple I immediately disinfect it. I disinfect my hands before popping a pimple. I would suggest doing it but if you're going to make sure you get all the pus out and disinfect a few times till the wound has healed. maybe you should just wait and use some treatment :)

Oct 24, 2014

Kathryn L.

I honestly don't think it's that bad for you. What I've noticed is if you scratch at it and scratch the top off, yes that will leave a scar/red mark for a while before it fades. I do suggest using one of the extracters which you can buy at Walmart for like three dollars. This is just my personal preference as I don't have the money to go to the dermatologist for every pimple I get. You don't have to take my word on it as I don't want you to ruin your face. I'm just saying I've never run into any problems.

Oct 24, 2014

Avery S.

jacqlyn nailed it

Oct 24, 2014

Brooke B.

Why is popping pimples bad for you, like everyone says?