Any fav beauty tricks or tips?


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Dec 23, 2014

Gabby M.

Also a mascara tip! Haha :) when doing your mascara, I keep tweezers nearby and if lashes get clumped together, I take the tweezing end of them and press it it the middle of the lashes, so they seperate and make sure you do it at the root, and just keep doing it until the mascara kinda gets tacky so they stay like that (should take about 10 seconds) also if one of my lashes kinda goes to the side or in a weird way, I take the tweezers and kinda connect those weird lashes to one thats straight, by pushing the tweezers together, and sometimes if it doesn't stay, just add a bit of mascara on the tip of the tweezers and do the step again. Tweezers are my saviour! Haha :) here's an example of how they'll probably look after! Also curl your lashes it makes a wooooorld of difference!

Dec 23, 2014

Saarah A.

After applying mascara put one coat of baby powder and then re apply mascara! And your lashes will look super long!

Dec 22, 2014

Mya M.

I love hearing how people do things differently post your tips!