Are you supposed to wash foundation brushes?


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Dec 20, 2014

Symone B.

I mix each brush in their own olive oil pudding. Then I wash with a normal shampoo

Dec 20, 2014

Rachel A.

Yes, I always wash mine with a special brush cleanser, but handsoap actually works just fine.

Dec 19, 2014

Isabel J.

I mix soap and olive oil, then run the brush through the palm of my hand in a circular motion and it gets all of the foundation out!

Dec 19, 2014

Emily C.

Sometimes I just use a tiny bit of dish soap.

Dec 19, 2014

Jenny A.

I use parian spirit on mine if I'm going to be switching foundations (which is likely). I like to degunk my foundation brush, because I think buildup really effects the blending ability and foundations, tend to have more moisturizer and stuff in them that builds up. I've been using the parian spirit daily and the washing them weekly for at least six months and my brushes haven't seen any degradation in quality. I personally wouldn't add oil to my foundation brushes because that's the thing I'm trying to get out of them when I'm washing them. These are synthetic hair brushes so why I would I moisturize them like I would a natural hair?

Dec 19, 2014

Gisell G.


Dec 19, 2014

Gisell G.

What Claire said, dry then lying flat.

Dec 19, 2014

Claire R.

And make sure you don't let them dry standing right side up because the water will seep down and loosen the glue and the bristles will fall out

Dec 19, 2014

Alyssa B.

Water and anti bacterial soap or shampoo usually works.

Dec 19, 2014

Kenzie C.

If you don't have actuall makeup brush cleaner, mix dish soap and extra virgin olive oil!

Dec 19, 2014

Sandy M.

Yeah you do & I would say to wash your brush every week & you can use baby shampoo with warm water!

Dec 19, 2014

Ashley D.

Water and some form of cleanser, yes. I have acne prone skin so I tend to just use my face wash.

Dec 19, 2014

Kendra H.

I use water and a brush cleaner from bare minerals! However, I know that dish soap with anti bacterial in it can also be used :)

Dec 19, 2014

Jessica H.

Ate you supposed to wash foundation brushes with water? just to clean it you know.