Origins charcoal mask


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Nov 27, 2014

Logan C.

Thanks Gisell!!

Nov 27, 2014

Gisell G.

I use it every other day & always apply moisturizer & my skin never dries out :-)

Nov 26, 2014

Logan C.

Okay thanks so much Alexis!

Nov 26, 2014

Logan C.

If you don't mind answering another question: I've been using it twice a week, but I love it so much I feel like I want to use it every other day to keep my pores super clean. But would that be too often and potentially harm my skin?

Nov 26, 2014

Logan C.

Thank you! :) that's what I thought but then I saw something in some other beauty website (I forget the name) that said otherwise so just wanted to double check!

Nov 26, 2014

Logan C.

Question when using this mask or any clay mask:

Should you steam, exfoliate, apply mask


Exfoliate, steam, apply mask