Help me and my leather jacket!!


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Nov 21, 2014

Alex H.

Hey ladies. I just got this areo leather jacket it is all black. Whaf would be the best way to wear it? With a neon shirt or a dark shirt? I have tried a lot of differeng combos but they don't seem to work! What can I do, any ideas?

Nov 22, 2014

Rissa G.

Hmmn I wear my leather jackets with like literally everything lol.

Nov 22, 2014

J L.

^ Same lol Dresses, sweaters, skirts, jeans, beanies, crop tops seriously I think they look good with just about everything. (:

Nov 22, 2014

Shiro M.

^ agreed. I have a friend who wears leather jackets a lot and they look great paired with colorful tops as well.

Nov 22, 2014

Alex H.

Thanks guys it helps to know I am not the only one. lol!