Unluckiest girl ever help!


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Sep 2, 2014

Anissa J.

Oh god thank you girls you are life savers!

Sep 2, 2014

Gabby M.

Trust me I know this from lots of experience, the best thing to do is not touch it!! Touching and trying to get rid of it will just irritate it, and make it more swelled up, redder, and overall more noticable. It might look bad without makeup, but believe me its 100x easier to cover a blemish that hasn't been touched, because it shouldn't be too red and it shouldn't be an open sore :p when you cover it up tomorrow, use concealer, and if it isnt enough powder that small part a bit, and put a bit more concealer on, make sure you blend the edges, but not the middle part too much since thats where it would need more coverage. Hopefully this helped! 😊 &have an awesome first day💕

Sep 2, 2014

Ellen M.

Wash your face (gently) and apply tea tree oil if you have any to the area, tie your hair up off your face and wear the least amount of makeup that you can, put more tea tree on before you sleep and also sleep with your hair off your face say in a loose pony tail, that should stop it getting any worse, good luck ❤

Sep 2, 2014

Anissa J.

Hello everyone!
Well I'm the kind of girl that whenever eats some greasy things as chocolate , chips , sweets etc.tends to have break out and yesterday I ate some chips , I woke up this morning with a huge breakout on the left part of my forehead and tommorow I have my first day of school 😞
Can you please help me to reduce it within tommorow?