Toner For Dry Acne Prone Skin?


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Oct 3, 2014

Sarah N.

Toner is used to replenish the natural oils stripped from your face from cleansing. I use Dermalogica products and they are naturally pH balanced so with those products you don't need toner but they have 'toners' that are hydrating or calming depending on which one you use. It is important to use one though because we all brought in products people used and we tested the pH levels and they are horrible some of them and can really throw off your skin so if your cleanser doesn't keep your skin at its natural level between 4.5 and 5.5 I would suggest a green tea toner as well, not one with alcohol. or look into a different routine so you don't need one

Sep 29, 2014

Maggie F.

I like the Proactiv toner. It isn't drying at all. It's the only Proactiv product that I've used in years.

Sep 29, 2014

Sarah P.

I have extremely dry skin that is also very acne prone. I'm looking for a new toner to use. any suggestions? :)