How to cure roseca?


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Aug 30, 2014

Kendra H.

In the end you can't really cute rosacea. I have had it since I was really little and you are diagnosed with it by a derm. They also rate how severe it is. You can use creams and oils that a derm recommends to help lesson the severity of the rosacea and such. But if you do have rosacea it's better to go gets a prescription from a derm than use any over the counter things or DIY.

Aug 30, 2014

Jenny C.

I have rosachea & I use a cream called metrogel. it sometimes goes away over night if I catch it right away. if not it'll take a few days depending how bad it is. it's medically prescribed so you'll have to go to a dermatologist :)

Aug 30, 2014

Kaitlin M.

I would go see a dermatologist so you can get exact, medical opinions :)

Aug 30, 2014

Sandy D.

rosacea* lol

Aug 30, 2014

Sandy D.

Any oils or creams?