Do these curls look unnatural?


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Aug 26, 2014

Buttercup x.

While I usually like to put my hair in curls, I am always concerned that they look too perfect. Are these okay?
Sorry about the picture and quality, and how messy they are, I was in a hurry and didn't have time to do my usual routine ;)

Aug 26, 2014

Flores T.

I like m!

Aug 26, 2014

Jenny C.

so pretty!

Aug 26, 2014

Emilie W.

Doesn't matter.. They still look nice imo.

Aug 26, 2014

Arza Z.

They look gorgeous And still totally natural babe.

Aug 26, 2014

Olivia A.

They look pretty!

Aug 26, 2014

Buttercup x.

Thank you :)