Bigger girls in bikinis??


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Aug 27, 2014

Jasi O.

I need a new bikini so I just want a yea or no answer whether you like bigger girls in bikinis.

Aug 27, 2014

Zeleste r.

That should not matter at all! If you want a new bikini get one (:

Aug 27, 2014

Liv I.

^ I agree. If you are feeling self conscious about the mid section or anything like that try high waisted bikinis :) I'm not very skinny at all haha and I find these are super flattering.

Aug 27, 2014

Nina L.

Who cares what other says! Wanna wear a bikini? Go ahead! If you don't, then don't! Do what you want girl!

Aug 27, 2014

Olivia A.

Go for it!! As long as you feel comfortable in doesn't matter.

Aug 27, 2014

Breeze T.

Yes, I do like bigger girls in bikinis, I think one piece swimsuits are far less flattering and can look a bit sad or like you're trying to cover up, which you shouldn't! Bikiniiii.

Aug 27, 2014

Meghan B.

There's a whole new movement of bigger ladies wearing bikinis. I believe the hashtag is #fatkini.

Aug 27, 2014

Gabby M.

I think curvier girls look great in bikinis! :) wear whatever you think it cute.

Aug 27, 2014

Megan M.

Everyone should wear whatever makes them happy! If you want to rock a bikini and feel great and confident in one then go for it! =]

Aug 28, 2014

Jasi O.

Okay wow thanks girls :)
I love these ones, help me choose one?

Aug 28, 2014

Jasi O.


Aug 28, 2014

Jasi O.

With straps 3

Aug 28, 2014

Jasi O.

4. Also I think these would cover my tummy but I'm worried about the legs lol so I would probably wear a lace dress over it when I'm in the water.

Aug 28, 2014

Cleopatra K.

I like 2 and 1, although 2's outfit was obviously photoshopped onto her. :P.

Aug 28, 2014

Jasi O.

Yeh lol