A big foundation problem.


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Sep 22, 2014

Kristine N.

Is it okay to not put on primer or bronzer highlighter Etc,so it turns out I've been putting on makeup all wrong. Tips and ideas please.

Sep 22, 2014

Destiny V.

I didn't start putting on primer or bronzer until this year so it's fine to me!

Sep 22, 2014

Sabrina T.

I don't see how there is a "wrong way" to apply foundation/bb cream, etc., Foundation is applied with many different things (Brush, fingers, sponges) and many different people have many techniques to use to apply foundation and such. So if your routine works, keep with it.

Sep 22, 2014

Kendra H.

You should put primer on just to create a smooth surface but I know people who don't use it! Also, I don't highlight and I barely use bronzer. So, you haven't been putting on makeup all wrong! There is no real right or wrong way to do makeup. It's all up to your likes and your interpretation! For face makeup tips:
-blend! Trust me that's your friend!

-try applying your foundation with a sponge or brush. That gives it a more finished look.

-use powder to achieve a matte and more Lon wearing look.

-make sure you buff out your contour, but make sure you don't make it too muddy. Also, if you contour use either a product made for contouring or a grey toned bronzer; as regular bronzers are too orangey and glittery to use as contour.

Hope that helped and answered your question! You weren't super clear on what you wanted advice for but I threw in what I thought you were asking for!

Sep 22, 2014

Kathleen M.

You don't HAVE to put on a bronzer or highlighter those are optional. Most people use it for added colour to the face or to achieve a certain look.