Any idea why this is happening to me?


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Sep 23, 2014

Cinthya A.

I agree with Shaye. You should definitely go see a doctor, they will be the only one to be able to truly help.

Sep 23, 2014

Erin L.

Maybe it's aloepecia I would see a dr ASAP

Sep 23, 2014

Lara C.

You need to see the doctor. like yesterday!! thats not a good sign. it can be numerous things. don't auto diagnose it

Sep 23, 2014

Amber K.

Definitely see tour doc if possible! don't feel bad though I'm losing my hair too! it comes out in clumps all day and has thinned a lot. :(

Sep 23, 2014

Albina g.

There could be so.many different reasons for hair loss. you should go to a doctor as doon as possible.

Sep 23, 2014

Kelly V.

This is not normal. You p robablly should have went to the doctors when it started. it could be Alopecia, ring worm, an immune disorder, some kind of deficiency, whatever but I needs medical attention NOW. the fact that I can't see any new growth (especially since it started in march) is what really scares me. please, go to your doctor. this will only get worse!

Sep 23, 2014

Shaye M.

Agree with Kelly 100%.

Sep 23, 2014

Lisa P.

This started back in late March. It has now doubled in size and every time I shower my hair falls out in clumps. I used to have heavy thick straight shiny hair, now it's brittle, frizzy, thin, breaks easily and I have this huge bald spot that is becoming very difficult to hide.
Any ideas what causes this and what I can do about it?

Sep 23, 2014

Shaye M.

If you haven't already spoken to your doctor, I suggest that's what you do. This reminds me of my dad's scalp right now, he just had a melanoma cut out and has a patch just like you do :) but obviously that's not what this is. I think seeing your doctor is the best bet. It could be a deficiency of some kind also.

Sep 23, 2014

Lisa P.

Thank you all for your responses. Obviously I need to go to a doctor, I was hoping that would not be the case but I appreciate everyone's input and will update here when I find something out. I'm new to my area so first I need to find a new primary care Dr asap.
Thank you again.

Sep 23, 2014

Jack B.

If you live in the US, at least, there should be several walk-in clinics in your area. I would suggest going to one the next chance you get. That much hair loss coupled with a change in overall hair texture could be several serious things. A walk-in clinic will be able to see you same day and do bloodwork to find you an answer as soon as possible. Good luck!

Sep 23, 2014

Catherine G.

ditto Jack!

Sep 23, 2014

Yaya B.

Omg really Lisa that is a HUGE bald spot you should've went to get it checked out long time ago...what are you waiting for?? we are not doctors and your just wasting your time asking here period!!

Sep 23, 2014

Tonita C.

Some people really have no tact or decency, I swear!! 😡😡 I agree with all of the ladies, particularly Kelly. It definitely could be a form of alopecia, ringworm, etc. Seeking medical advice appears necessary at this point. I know this has to be daunting for you. Praying and hoping you are okay and it's nothing tooooo serious! FYI..your pretty face distracts from it! 😘

Sep 26, 2014

Lisa P.

Thanks everyone, I appreciate it. the reason I haven't seen a doctor is that this happened to me a few years ago but half as bad and it all grew back. it basically doubled in size over a short timespan and I was hoping someone here had experienced this and maybe it was coming from me doing something wrong when styling my hair or something like that.
I'm aware its a HUGE bald spot. it hasn't been like that the whole time I've had it, and like tonita c. said, I've been hoping its not serious and also kinda embarrassed to talk to someone about this face to face. regardless, I did go ahead and schedule a doctor appointment, so hopefully I will have an answer soon.
I'm going to have to look up what a ringworm is, I hope it is not as gross as it sounds lol.
Thanks again!