Did My Skin Turn Oily?


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Sep 23, 2014

Brittany O.

What methods are you using to control it? You could be irritating your cheeks and causing a break out

Sep 20, 2014

Shiro M.

There could be lots of factors in your life that caused the acne. Make sure you're using spot treatments, the right cleansers, etc.

Sep 20, 2014

Brittany M.

No, normally acne can be caused by normous things. I've never had it but a good concealer should do the trick.

Sep 20, 2014

Fifi D.

Lately I've been having a problem with acne and I've been using a pretty good program to control it but I've been noticing lots of acne on my cheeks when normally I'd get it on my T-zone. Is there a chance my skin turned oily?