Soap and glory Review?


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Sep 20, 2014

Ivy F.

Ok thanks!
And @ Caitlin I know the problem :/

Sep 20, 2014

Caitlin M.

I've never tried any of their skincare (aside from body care and one facial cleanser, all of which I did love) but I love their brand so I don't think you'd be hurting anything to try it! Sadly a big part of why I haven't tried certain things from them is because some of their stuff isn't available in the US. Sephora does carry some but I've noticed it's mostly just the body butters and lotions, not much for the face or in makeup :/

Sep 20, 2014

Kim W.

It's amazing! My skin felt so smooth and I got lots of compliments :) I usually use it once a week, right after a shower so my pores are open.

Sep 20, 2014

Ivy F.

Haha Ok thank you anyway ;D

Sep 20, 2014

Meagan M.

Never tried it so I can't help you there. However, I do love soap and glory! They have great products and the scents are so good. If you could describe smells I'd say it's close to heaven.

Sep 20, 2014

Ivy F.

What do you think about the Soap and glory no clogs allowed Face mask?
would you recommend it?  :)