What's it feel like when you get an industrial piercing.


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Sep 20, 2014

Brianna M.

The part of my cartlidge closest to my head hurt pretty bad but the part farthest from my head only pinched.. but I got pierced with a smaller bar so I went back when it was healed to get a new bar and since I got pierced with a smaller bar the guy had to gauge it. so that day I also got my tongue pierced mind you. gauging my industrial made my tongue piercing feel like nothing like it hurt so Bad to gauge it I was almost I. tears and had to tell the guy hold on several times to take a break from the pain my ear was a tomatoe!! but you prob won't have to go through this like I did and I have a coil industrial bar in my ear right now and it is stuck. my ear is too small and the coil is so big its stuck I'm sad lol but good luck.

Sep 20, 2014

Grace K.


Sep 19, 2014

Shaye M.

Well, they do have to pierce two places in our ear to have the bar go in, so it'd be pretty much like getting two cartilage piercings I suppose, they don't hurt too bad just a sting but I've heard lots of people think industrial piercings hurt a lot but like Renay said, it depends on your pain tolerance.

Sep 19, 2014

Rissa G.

It really depends on you as a person, everyone has a different pain tolerance. For some it could really hurt, for others it could be like nothing.

Sep 19, 2014

Grace K.

What does it feel like when you get an industrial/ barbell piercing? I really want one but I'm nervous about getting it done.