What to wear at a concert?


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May 18, 2014

Janet T.

I'm going to the One Republic and The Script concert on may 29th. The concert starts at 7pm and will be at an outdoor stadium. I live in Colorado so the weather is pretty unpredictable, what should I wear and is it okay to bring a purse to keep some money, my phone and whatever else I may need?

May 18, 2014

Shiro M.

Dressing in layers would be good. And yes, definitely bring a purse!

May 18, 2014

Shiro M.


May 18, 2014

Shiro M.


May 18, 2014

Kubra O.

Something comfy; jeans with a cute shirt? If its get colder you can wear a jacket or a vest and yes bring a purse with you! 😊

May 18, 2014

Haley G.

Most important thing is comfort, and waterproof makeup. my normal concert attire is a skirt or leggings (I don't wear jeans anymore, but when I did this was fine, too) a tank top, cardigan or band hoodie to tie around my waist when it gets hot and sweaty, and docs. be sure the wear comfy, close-toed shoes. I personally wouldn't bring a purse because people can be awful and try to steal your stuff. I would just put it in your front pocket, if you have one, and safety pin it close. just be sure to be comfortable, you'll be lost in the show and not even worry about your outfit. have fun!

May 18, 2014

Meagan T.

Water proof jacket (black leather jacket) I don't normally go for the warmest top when I go out but I wear crop tops and skater skirt or just some tight jeans WHATEVER YOU DO DONT WEAR HEELS me and my mate were idiots the first concert we went to so trust me flats are the best

May 18, 2014

Alyx T.

Comfort is key. I usually go for leggings or jeans, a tank top or t shirt and a large hoodie that can be tied around my waist. Never wear heels, I always go for closed toe flats, tennis shoes or slip on vans. I wouldn't go with something with long laces that untie easily, in concerts you're very close to others and it's easy for someone to step on them. I also wouldn't go with anything heavy and warm shoe wise. I wore a pair of shoes that went past my ankle once, they were sort of like ankle boots but not boots lol, and my feet were sweating and hurting so bad that halfway through I had to pay $40 on the bands tennis shoes that they were selling. As for purse, if you do bring one, make sure to empty it and only bring what you need. I'd also look on the concert website, they should have rules of what you can and cannot bring. I know the last outdoor concert I went to, it was only tote bags or these bags. Anything bigger and you would be denied entrance. I'd honestly just hold your phone, and safety pin money in a Baggie on the inside of your shirt. If you buy merch, I always just tie shirts around my hoodie lol. Also if you bring a camera(though it's risky, I'd just use a phone), most places have rules that if it's got a removable lens, it's not allowed. The script is awesome live, and I've heard good things about one republic, you'll have fun. :)

May 18, 2014

Alyx T.

Oh Oops by "these bags" I meant draw string bags like this

May 18, 2014

Rhiannon H.

Definitely bring a cross body bag with a zipper so no one steals anything important!

May 18, 2014

Taylor P.

A flannel or jacket that you can tie around your waist if it gets too hot. And I agree about the draw string bag :)

May 18, 2014

Caitlin M.

If you're going to actually be in the crowd, like pushed up against people (not in seating) then I don't recommend bringing a bag or anything like that. It will just be in the way and if you start jumping around it can hit people in the face lmao. For a camera make sure it's attached to you somehow. Again, if you are in a crowd and people are jumping around and you drop something, chances are it's gone and it will be trampled on :/ it's sad but people go crazy at shows lol. And again, this is for if you're in a crowd; dress like it's hotter. I remember going to a show in December and my friends and I only wore hoodies because we were going to be in the crowd and it gets ridiculously hot and even a hoodie was too much then. It sucked after the show because the venue kicked everyone out and we were waiting for a ride for a while. But it was what we had to do at the time lol. And for any concert ever I recommend wearing tennis shoes. Not flats, not flip flops, not heels. I wore flip flops once to an outdoor concert and it rained and it was a mess. But I was also running around lol. I kicked my flip flops off and left them at our spot for that one song I did a circle pit for lol. I would also just get a small wallet or change purse for your money/ticket/ID, etc. Target has cute ones. You may be able to find something big enough to put your phone in too, like a wristlet type one. That was all I saw last year at the beach. Some of them have a compartment just for the phone where you can still use it and then another pouch for money and whatnot.

May 18, 2014

Dezirae R.

Something Comfty but very cute. I would definitely say flats for this occasion. And don't forget ACCESSORIZE 💜

May 18, 2014

Jocelyn S.

Ditto to the drawstring bag. I bring a sweatshirt to my outdoor concerts and I can put it in the backpack if I get hot. Only bring your I'd and cash/card. Don't bring your whole wallet. Chapstick. I would wear jeans. I usually like close toes shoes but have done flip flops and have been fine. I like tank tops so I don't sweat as bad because I am always dancin! Hope that helps!

May 19, 2014

Shawna L.

I'm going to that concert too! I live in Colorado :) I'm wearing my black vans, high waisted shorts a white tee with a flannel over and bringing my light weight military jacket and tying it around my waist and bring and my small crossbody purse.