How to become a "professional" Make-up artist?


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Dec 9, 2012

Ashlee C.

There is a lot of people that get hired at makeup stores that are not "professional". I think they ate just looking for someone confident and friendly. And when you apply you can attach photos of work you have done! Maybe you should try and get mire freelancing jobs if that is going good for you though!! It is way more fun than working at a makeup counter!

having a strong portfolio is a must. if u have one then you can apply to an agency that will book u for TV shows,fashion shoots etc 

Dec 9, 2012

Maria S.

Guys, i'm lost -__- how does one make it into this industry? I've worked alongside photographer friends, and done some amazing gigs (everything from bridal, sweet sixteen, quinceaneras, bachalorette parties..even..catch this, pregnancy parties! You name it!) freelance experience is pretty strong, however i now have the need to get a "real job" and i'm not quite sure where to start. A lot of places question schooling you've acquired in make-up artistry, however I am self taught and find this a bit inconveniencing =/ My need to get a consistent pay check comes from my current inability to attend a Make-up academy. I had applied to a spectacular academy in Toronto, however just recently had my loan denied after all was set up =[ If anyone has any advice of how to get my foot in the door at some reputable make-up stores it would be greatly valued!! I have previous retail experience, I hope i don't come off as conceited, but I am very confident in my abilities as an artist. Suggestions?? Sorry this is so long!

Zuri F.

Dec 9, 2012

Zuri F.

I think that you need to get your foot in the door through getting a job on a make up counter, also set up a blog and you tube channel, use Thessaly as starting points to network in the right area. also I managed to do my make up course part time. also make sure you have a strong portfolio to show

Jan 7, 2013

Maria S.

Thanks so much guys! Ahhhh so much great advice :D