Amusement Park Hair!!


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Jun 3, 2014

Lisa C.

I am going to an amusement park next week and I have no idea how I should do my hair! I will also being going into the water park so my hair will get wet. Please help!

Side braid??

Jun 3, 2014

Faith F.

Side braod

Jun 3, 2014

Lisa C.

I know, it's so hard to choose a hairstyle that will get wet and messed up on the roller coasters!! But thanks for the ideas!

Jun 3, 2014

Kaitlin M.

Wear it up in a high messy bun. I don't know how long your hair is, but mine is very long. When I go to the amusement park (I go very often), I always put my hair up. Not because it's hot, but because there is a risk of long hair getting caught in rides, especially roller coasters. There was an incident years ago where a poor girl's hair was stuck in a ride and she was scalped and she passed away immediately. Not trying to scare you or anything, but just being honest that hair that's down is not only annoying, but a huge safely hazard. xox

Jun 3, 2014

Meagan M.

Top knot :) REASONS: 1. It's out of your way so when you go on rides it won't whip around. 2. At theme parks sometimes even when you don't try you get a little sun and sweaty so it stays off your shoulders so it will not cause back pimpling or odd tan lines.  :)

Jun 3, 2014

Lisa C.

Oh my gosh! I DEFINITLEY will not wear my hair down and my hair is pretty long so I can do braids. I think I might do a side Dutch braid like this one.

Jun 3, 2014

Kaitlin M.

That braid is good :)

Jun 3, 2014

Rosie R.

Do 2 cute braids each on one side.

Jun 3, 2014

Lisa C.

Would something like this be good too?

Jun 3, 2014

Lindsay H.

I would do a side braid or French braids

Jun 3, 2014

Lisa C.

Thanks! I am going to end up doing some sort of french braid or just a regular ponytail.