How Do You Match Jewelry With Clothes?


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Dec 11, 2012

Shelley W.

I wear only sterling silver or white gold. A lot it has semi-precious stones but for some reason all my jewelry just meshes well with my bohemian/'60's beat poet look that I don't have to stand around in the morning trying to figure out x,y & z. My jewelry is complicated in design but clothes pretty basic. 

Dec 11, 2012

Natalie T.

I only have a few pieces of jewelry I really like, but I have soooo many clothing items I love. I usually put on the outfit I like and then just look at it in a full length mirror with each piece of jewelry that I plan on being the main focus. I do usually find that I like silver with blues though. Most of my clothes are black, so I can go either way so I look at the shape of the necklaces and how they fall against the shape of the neckline and the shape of bracelets or the way they fall compared to my sleeves. I am very lax about my rings, I usually mix metals and textures and keep rings on man fingers at once.  

Dec 11, 2012

Annie F.

Just wondering how you guys like to match bling with your outfit? Do you have simple jewelry with complicated clothes or do you match colour wise?